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Through the experiences of our lives, I believe each of us discovers certain fundamental truths that affect and influence the ways in which we interpret our world. Whether or not we are consciously aware of this, these ‘constants’ can serve as a guide for our actions, our efforts…. and even our dreams. For me, one of these truths - which became immediately apparent the first time I looked through the viewfinder of a camera - is that there is beauty in all things.
Through photography I have developed an enduring appreciation for, and fascination with, the transcendent beauty of the world we inhabit. I am continually inspired by the wonderful scenes and images that surround us everywhere. Scenes and images that may otherwise go unnoticed.... but which, with use of a camera, can be plucked from their surroundings to be viewed, interpreted, and appreciated.
As our lives become increasingly complex, and our senses bombarded with ever more techno-stimuli, the ‘simple’ beauty surrounding us goes increasingly unseen. This is a great pity. The ability to appreciate the beauty of our world, whether natural or man-made, can provide a wonderful and readily accessible grounding effect.... a catharsis for the stresses of modern life. There truly is beauty in all things.
One need simply take the time to look....
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